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朗讀:孫牧師 我的孩子: 你或許不認識我,我卻認識你的㆒切。詩 139:1 你坐㆘,你起來,我都曉得,詩139:2 我也深知你㆒切所行的;詩139:3 就是你的頭髮也都被數過了。太10:29-31 你是照著我的的形像所造的,創1:27 你生活、動作、存留,都在乎我,徒17:28 你也是我所生的。徒17:28 甚㉃在你尚未成形以先,我已曉得你,耶1:4-5 在創立世界之前,我已揀選了你。弗1:4 你不是個錯誤,你所㈲的年㈰都㊢在我的冊㆖,詩139:15-16 我定準你的年歲和所住的疆界,徒17:26 你的受造,是極其奇妙可畏!詩139:14 我在你母腹㆗塑造你, 詩139:13 領你由母腹㆗出來。詩71:6 我被不認識我的㆟所誤傳,約8:41-44 我並非冷漠而憤怒的,乃是完全的愛。約壹4:16 我願在你身㆖揮霍我的愛, 只因為你是我的孩子,我是你的父親。約壹3:1 我能給予你的,遠超過㆞㆖的父親所能給予你的,太 7:11 因為我是完全的父。太5:48 你所領受各樣美善的恩賜,都是從我來的,雅 1:17 因為我是你的供應者,我必供應你需的㆒切。太6:31-33 我向你所懷的意念是要叫你末後㈲指望,耶29:11 因為我以永遠的愛愛你。耶31:3 我向你的意念其數比海沙更多,詩139:17-18 我因你歡欣喜樂,番 3:17 我決不停止施恩與你,耶32:40 因你是我的珍貴的產業。出19:5 我全心全意栽培你於此㆞,耶32:41 我要將偉大奧㊙的事指示你,耶 33:3 如果你㆒心㆒意尋找我,就必尋見。申4:29 以我為樂,我就把你心裡所求的賜給你,詩37:4 因為是我在你心裏動工,使你心裡能立志行事。Philippians 腓 2:13 我能為你成就㆒切,遠超過你所求所想的。Ephesians 弗 3:20 我是你最佳的鼓勵者,2 Thessalonians 帖後2:16-17 也是在㆒切患難㆗安慰你的父親。2 Corinthians 林後1:3-4 你傷心的時候,我靠近你,Psalm 詩34:18 如同牧㆟懷抱羊羔,我懷抱你在我胸前,Isaiah 賽 40:11 有㆒㆝,我要擦去你㆒切的眼淚並帶走你在世㆖的㆒切苦楚。啟 21:3-4 我是你的父,我愛你如同我愛我的兒子―耶穌㆒樣,約17:23 因為在耶穌裡,就顯明我對你的愛,約 17:26 祂是神本體的真像,來 1:3 祂來是表明我要幫助你,不是敵對你,羅 8:31 並告訴你:我不追究你的過犯。林後5:18-19 耶穌受死,使你可與我和好,林後5:18-19 祂的死,是我愛你最極致的表達約壹4:10 我為你捨棄了我所愛的㆒切,使我或許能得著你的愛。羅8:31-32 你若接受了這份禮物我的兒子耶穌,你就接受了我。約壹2:23 無論任何事都不能叫我的愛與你隔絕。羅8:38-39 回家吧!讓我為你預備㆒個㆝㆖所見過最大的宴席,路15:7 我㆒直是父親,也永遠是父親,弗 3:14-15 問題是…,你願意成為我的孩子嗎?約1:12-13 我在等著你。路15:11-32 愛你的 爸爸,全能㆖帝 Used by permission of Father Heart Communication Copyright 2002 Father Heart Communications Translated by Israel Yang Edited by Ginny Lin, Chinese Christian Mission ㆗文聖經譯本採現㈹標點和合本及新譯本 Father's Love Letter used by permission Father Heart Communications ©1999 ************************ 和平之子愛修基督教會 Agape Christian Center 國際總監:陳仲輝牧師 主任牧師:張建中牧師 駐堂牧師:林怡孜牧師


陳俊光博士、牧師 美國賓夕法尼亞大學語言學哲學博士,臺灣師範大學教授,研究興趣包括中英語言對比分析、語法學、神經語言學。 曾獲美國哈佛大學、加州大學柏克萊分校、加州大學洛杉磯分校、明德大學,捷克帕拉基斯大學,香港大學,廣州暨南大學等校,聘為講座/客座教授或訪問學者。 陳博士於2016年亦獲魏格納領袖學院實用教牧學博士,並於2019年為「國際希望之光」使徒性福音事工,按立為使徒,同年成立「Divine PHD Ministries」的個人事工,遵循主的命令 (約14:12),做耶穌所做的事:P➡Preaching/佈道,H➡ Healing/醫病,D➡Deliverance/釋放,主要巡迴於美國、中國、臺灣等地,從事佈道、教導、醫治、釋放等服事。諸多神蹟、奇事、大能隨著他的服事,證實他所傳的道 (可16:17,可16:20 ;林後12:12)。 Rev. Dr. Fred Jyun-gwang Chen received his Ph.D. in Educational Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently a professor at National Taiwan Normal University, whose research interests include contrastive analysis in Chinese and English, syntax, and neurolinguistics. Dr. Chen was invited as a visiting/chair professor or visiting scholar by Harvard University, University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles, Middlebury College in the US, Palacký University Olomouc in Czech Republic, the University of Hong Kong, and Guangzhou Jinan University in China. Additionally, Dr. Chen received his Doctor of Practical Ministry at Wagner Leadership Institute in 2016. He was further ordained as an apostle into Apostolic Gospel Ministry by A Ray of Hope International in 2019. At the same year, Dr. Chen established his personal ministry--Divine PHD Ministries, i.e. preaching, healing, & deliverance, following Jesus' command (John 14:12). He has been ministering in preaching, teaching, healing, and deliverance mainly in the US, China, and Taiwan. Many miracles, wonders, and signs follow his ministry, confirming the word (Mark 16:17, 16:20; 2 Corinthians 12:12).


渴望聽見天父的聲音嗎?今天就讓祂要對你說話,來引導你、安慰你、造就你... ***************************** 陳俊光博士、牧師 美國賓夕法尼亞大學語言學哲學博士,臺灣師範大學教授,研究興趣包括中英語言對比分析、語法學、神經語言學。 曾獲美國哈佛大學、加州大學柏克萊分校、加州大學洛杉磯分校、明德大學,捷克帕拉基斯大學,香港大學,廣州暨南大學等校,聘為講座/客座教授或訪問學者。 陳博士於2016年亦獲魏格納領袖學院實用教牧學博士,並於2019年為「國際希望之光」使徒性福音事工,按立為使徒,同年成立「Divine PHD Ministries」的個人事工,遵循主的命令 (約14:12),做耶穌所做的事:P➡Preaching/佈道,H➡ Healing/醫病,D➡Deliverance/釋放,主要巡迴於美國、中國、臺灣等地,從事佈道、教導、醫治、釋放等服事。諸多神蹟、奇事、大能隨著他的服事,證實他所傳的道 (可16:17,可16:20 ;林後12:12)。 Rev. Dr. Fred Jyun-gwang Chen received his Ph.D. in Educational Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently a professor at National Taiwan Normal University, whose research interests include contrastive analysis in Chinese and English, syntax, and neurolinguistics. Dr. Chen was invited as a visiting/chair professor or visiting scholar by Harvard University, University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles, Middlebury College in the US, Palacký University Olomouc in Czech Republic, the University of Hong Kong, and Guangzhou Jinan University in China. Additionally, Dr. Chen received his Doctor of Practical Ministry at Wagner Leadership Institute in 2016. He was further ordained as an apostle into Apostolic Gospel Ministry by A Ray of Hope International in 2019. At the same year, Dr. Chen established his personal ministry--Divine PHD Ministries, i.e. preaching, healing, & deliverance, following Jesus' command (John 14:12). He has been ministering in preaching, teaching, healing, and deliverance mainly in the US, China, and Taiwan. Many miracles, wonders, and signs follow his ministry, confirming the word (Mark 16:17, 16:20; 2 Corinthians 12:12).


渴望聽見天父的聲音嗎?今天就讓祂要對你說話,來引導你、安慰你、造就你... ***************************** 陳俊光博士、牧師 美國賓夕法尼亞大學語言學哲學博士,臺灣師範大學教授,研究興趣包括中英語言對比分析、語法學、神經語言學。 曾獲美國哈佛大學、加州大學柏克萊分校、加州大學洛杉磯分校、明德大學,捷克帕拉基斯大學,香港大學,廣州暨南大學等校,聘為講座/客座教授或訪問學者。 陳博士於2016年亦獲魏格納領袖學院實用教牧學博士,並於2019年為「國際希望之光」使徒性福音事工,按立為使徒,同年成立「Divine PHD Ministries」的個人事工,遵循主的命令 (約14:12),做耶穌所做的事:P➡Preaching/佈道,H➡ Healing/醫病,D➡Deliverance/釋放,主要巡迴於美國、中國、臺灣等地,從事佈道、教導、醫治、釋放等服事。諸多神蹟、奇事、大能隨著他的服事,證實他所傳的道 (可16:17,可16:20 ;林後12:12)。 Rev. Dr. Fred Jyun-gwang Chen received his Ph.D. in Educational Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently a professor at National Taiwan Normal University, whose research interests include contrastive analysis in Chinese and English, syntax, and neurolinguistics. Dr. Chen was invited as a visiting/chair professor or visiting scholar by Harvard University, University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles, Middlebury College in the US, Palacký University Olomouc in Czech Republic, the University of Hong Kong, and Guangzhou Jinan University in China. Additionally, Dr. Chen received his Doctor of Practical Ministry at Wagner Leadership Institute in 2016. He was further ordained as an apostle into Apostolic Gospel Ministry by A Ray of Hope International in 2019. At the same year, Dr. Chen established his personal ministry--Divine PHD Ministries, i.e. preaching, healing, & deliverance, following Jesus' command (John 14:12). He has been ministering in preaching, teaching, healing, and deliverance mainly in the US, China, and Taiwan. Many miracles, wonders, and signs follow his ministry, confirming the word (Mark 16:17, 16:20; 2 Corinthians 12:12).
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